With the cost of living going crazy everywhere, it’s time to do more DIY’s and buy less stuff. I really wanted some minimalist wall art for my living room. Instead of buying something, I thought why not have a go at creating my own minimalist DIY wall art. After all if it’s minimalist and abstract, there really is no right or wrong way to do it.
I kind of had a rough idea in my head of the look I was going for. The main thing was that it had to be super simple because seriously, I am no artist! I cannot draw to save my life!! So it definitely needed to be very easy to pull off. And I can honestly say this DIY wall art is so easy to recreate – you just can’t go wrong. The trickiest bit was trying to paint neatly inside the lines I had drawn but that too can be rectified afterwards.
P.S. you will see my reflection in the art in nearly all the photos – this was unavoidable but ignore it as it kind of looks like it’s part of the design in some photos but its not.
minimalist DIY wall art
While this art doesn’t have a step by step DIY for obvious reasons, I do have lots of tips that may help:
1. decide on the size of your art – I went with 50cm x 50cm (approx 20 x 20 inches)
2. consider if you want a white border – I decided to go to the edges because I didn’t trust myself to paint neatly inside a straight line! But if you do want a border, you could always cut out one later and mount it on top. It’ll be a lot easier than trying to paint so neatly.
3. you may want to start with a smaller piece of art as 50 x 50 cms is quite big
4. choose your colours – I suggest no more than 3-4 neutral tones to keep the look minimalist (I’ve shared the exact colours I used below)
5. draw out your curved lines in pencil – you can always erase it if you don’t like it. I did that several times.
you can copy my design or create something similar of your own.
6. start painting and don’t worry too much about going over one of the areas in to the next. you can always touch it up later
7. I did one coat of paint as I wanted to see some of the brush strokes and didn’t want the colours to look too flat.
8. finally and most importantly, have fun with it! theres no need for perfection – it is after all an abstract piece of art so there is no right or wrong here.
I’m currently in to beiges and greiges so that’s what dictated my choice of colours. The shades of paint I used were:
(contains affiliate links)
light beige (US readers here)
dark beige/greige (US readers here)
black & white* – you can use any black and white acrylic paint you have
*for the white, I mixed in the tiniest bit of light beige because I thought pure bright white wouldn’t work as well as a softer white.
If you’re in need of some frames, this is my go to for budget-friendly frames.
What I love most about this DIY art is that not only is it easy to make but it’s so affordable too. I had a frame and some card lying around so it really cost me nothing. If you don’t have a frame, head here for some very budget friendly ones.
Do you think you’ll give this art a go?
[…] – simply gather your art if you already have some or buy inexpensive posters and prints or DIY some wall art and hang them up. You can choose to get frames for your art or you could go frameless and use clips […]